Hi Al,
Thx. This is probably the best way to illustrate what it does.
Now that I heard Andrew could not do this I was already wondering if
you'd like to? Double act?
Best/ Paul
At 12:42 PM 2/6/2013, you wrote:
Paul if you need to use any of my stuff on Solderpad please feel free,
although its a little messy right now, I am in the process of cleaning
some of it up!
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Mark Johnson mark.johnson@it.ox.ac.uk wrote:
On 05/02/13 18:25, Paul Tanner wrote:
Seriously I would like to go to this (Oxford nearer than London) and can
plug OSHUG.
Thanks Paul,
I'll be in touch off-list to firm up details.
Many Thanks
Mark Johnson
Development Manager
OSS Watch http://oss-watch.ac.uk
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Paul Tanner - Virtual Technologies - http://www.virtual-techno.com
Tel: +44 1494 581979 Mob: +44 7973 223239 mailto:paul@virtual-techno.com