Hi OSH enthusiasts!

My name is Andre and I have stumbled on this list a couple of years ago (I think?), and I am very happy to see more OSH folks out there and more activity in the list too!

I work at the University of Sussex (in Brighton) and have been developing open tools and solutions for research as well as teaching others (mostly as a volunteer at TReND in Africa) how to build things with electronics and fast prototyping tools over the past 10 years (initially in Germany, and since 2018 in the UK)...
(a lot of the work we do can be seen here https://github.com/sussex-neuroscience)

Super cool to see people thinking about meet ups in London! If at some point people would like to come down to the coast, we have space at the University to host it.

Now, on to my question/request:

In a conversation with people from the UK Reproducibility Network, I thought it would be a good idea to  map out Open Source/ Open Science Hardware practitioners based in UK academic institutions. The idea is to know how big is that community in the UK and see how it can work together for awareness, policy, chatting with granting agencies, etc.
So if you are a member of this community, or if you know someone who is, send me a message? thanks!

Andre Maia Chagas

Research Bioengineer

Sussex Neuroscience

+44 (0)1273 678846