Oh that sounds cool have you got someone covering Project IceStorm http://www.clifford.at/icestorm/ ?

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Andrew Back <arback@computer.org> wrote:
Hi All,

The theme for the meeting on the evening of Thursday 19th May will be
chip/digital design/FPGA. We already have two talks confirmed and are
looking for a third. Perhaps someone:

* could give a talk on MyHDL or one of the other gentler on-ramps?
* has some experiences to share with respect to learning a HDL and/or
using a FPGAs in projects?
* has designed their own CPU from scratch, implemented in FPGA or
discrete logic?
* wrote a simulator for a classic CPU architecture?

Talk proposals and suggestions for speakers would be most helpful!



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