Hi folks,

With international logistics deities on our side, we will have PCB badges this year at OSHCamp. Details and photos at: https://lab.electrolama.com/hacks/oshcamp23-badge

All hardware files, EE and mechanical, and some example code up at: https://github.com/electrolama/oshcamp23-badge

Bare boards will be handed out to all attendees, and we will run a solder paste/stencil workshop on Sunday for folks interested in building their own badges. For the impatient amongst us, production files that will allow you to pre-order assembled badges from a well-known PCB manufacturer/assembly service (the blue one) are also included in the repo. I will also discuss some interesting bits about this design during my talk on Saturday morning.

We'll figure out and announce the logistics of the workshop closer to the date, but for now, this is both a heads-up for badge-hacking folks and a reminder to book your tickets if you have not done so already :-)

I look forward to catching up with OSHUG/OSHCamp regulars and meeting new folks in a few weeks time!


PS:  Please drop me an email off-list if you are interested in the "build your badge" workshop, so I can get a sense of how many component kits to put together. This is not a commitment or a guarantee that you will get a kit (workshop will be first come first served) but merely an informal head count.